
Anorak News | Tracker Funds: Halifax Wants To Give You Money

Tracker Funds: Halifax Wants To Give You Money

by | 10th, July 2007

WHAT a nice bunch of people the Halifax are.

With £50million of unclaimed cash laying dormant in their accounts, the bank has decided to call in credit reference agency Experian to track down the 110,000 forgetful customers who own the funds which haven’t been touched for 15 years or more.

Halifax began its search back in February after the Government announced plans to donate any unclaimed money to charity. (One wonders if the Halifax would be going to all this trouble if they could keep the money themselves?)

With most of the investors having moved home without giving the bank their new contact details, Experian have a challenge on their hands, although Halifax spokesman Jason Clarke is confident that everyone will be found.

Says he: “We’ve called in Experian because they are experienced at tracking people down.”

Details of dormant accounts in all banks are being posted on the Unclaimed Assets Register website – – for all to see, so hopefully there’ll be plenty of people about to get a rather nice surprise.

According to Keith Hollander, founder of the Unclaimed Assets Register, there is still a whopping £15billion left unclaimed overall.

So make sure you aren’t overlooking any accounts. After all, we wouldn’t want all that money going to charity, would we? Although, knowing the Government, it would probably be spent on the 2012 Olympics.

Posted: 10th, July 2007 | In: Money Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink