
Anorak News | £135,000 Abbey Bank Blunder Blown In Weeks

£135,000 Abbey Bank Blunder Blown In Weeks

by | 19th, July 2007

SARAH-Jane Lee is in trouble. Big trouble. The struggling single mum had gone to withdraw just £10 from a local Blackburn cash machine when she got a rather big surprise – an extra £135,000 was apparently available in her account.

Was this a generous donation from a friend who had won the lottery? Or maybe it was a secret gift from a millionaire philanthropist? Well, no, unfortunately it was nothing more than a mistake by the bank.

Yet 20-year-old Lee still decided to splash the cash, booking a £10,000 holiday in Florida, buying plasma screen TVs and luxury carpet and, according to the Daily Mail, giving away almost £100,000.

Says she: “’When I realised how much money was in my account I felt nervous, numb, sick. All it said on the statement was “account adjustment” and I didn’t touch the money for a day.

“The day after the money had gone into my account, I went in to the bank and drew out £500. They should have realised then that it was their money. I asked them what ‘account adjustment’ meant but they couldn’t tell me. They just asked me if I wanted to open a savings account with the money.”

However, after two weeks the Abbey bank did realise its mistake and froze her account and now Lee is, rather harshly in my book, facing a jail term for wrongful credit and 11 charges of theft.

The Mail also mentions that she spent thousands at sex shops such as Ann Summers and Simply Pleasures. So not only is she a thieving single mother with no job, but she’s also a pervert. If only she was a Muslim immigrant.

Posted: 19th, July 2007 | In: Money 6 Comments | TrackBack | Permalink