
Anorak News | MPs Bemoan £3billion Cost Of Hoodies

MPs Bemoan £3billion Cost Of Hoodies

by | 25th, July 2007

hoodie.jpg THERE is something darkly amusing about hearing MPs bemoaning the nation’s supposed yob culture from the comfort of their plush Westminster offices. (Pic: Beau Bo D’Or)

While banks and big business continue to rip us all off, our dear elected Members of Parliament would rather clack their marmalade-coated tongues at the working classes.

According to The Commons Public Accounts Committee, £3.4billion is being spent on tackling what the Sun calls the “army of hoodies”; however the committee remains unsure as to whether or not the money is being well spent.

Committee chairman and Conservative Edward Leigh, harrumphs: “No civilised country should have to put up with what can seem like an occupying army loose in the streets.” Expect apparently in Iraq, where Leigh and his fellow MPs sent our soldiers.

The report from the committee claims that communities were “frustrated and concerned” at the failure of courts to act on breached Asbos while it also called for “rigorous enforcement”, including jail.

What ever happened to the Government’s plan to be “tough on the causes of crime” as well as crime itself?

Anyone tell us?

Posted: 25th, July 2007 | In: Money Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink