Passenger Behaviour on Amusement Rides: An HSE Study
THE Mail is livid. Plus ca change.
This time it’s a report for the Health and Safely Executive that has the newspaper tutting and shaking its head violently.
The report, entitled ‘Passenger Behaviour on Amusement Rides’, cost £110,000 and took almost a year to produce. Some of its conclusions are admittedly rather obvious: “’The most commonly observed behaviour was one and two handed waving, turning of the head/trunk and pointing. The most common motives were communication, exhibitionism, curiosity and thrill enhancement.”
Hence we commend to the HSE’s attention this gem.
The report also finds that young adults tended to show “increased levels of exhibitionism and thrill enhancement” and that females were more likely to wave than males. (See Her Majesty and Danny La Rue.)
However, the HSE is defending the costly report, saying: “’There was a gap in knowledge about passenger behaviour and the information can be used by ride designers and operators to reduce accidents.”
The Health and Safety Laboratory, who carried out the study, last week produced another £12,000 tome on whether placing a towel on the bathroom floor helps to prevent slipping.
Maybe, just maybe, the Mail has a point.
Posted: 8th, August 2007 | In: Money Comment | TrackBack | Permalink