
Anorak News | Halle Berry Blames It On The Jews

Halle Berry Blames It On The Jews

by | 25th, October 2007

THE celebrity denial is most often the work of the star’s assistant. But Halle Berry is on Jay Leno’s TV show, broadcast across America.

Her denial must be of her own work. A racial slur has been made and she needs to work fast. The cameras are rolling, a studio audience waiting. But first the back story – all of Hollywood is built on a story.

As the Mail, notes, Berry is sat on the sofa looking at pictures of herself that have been altered by what is termed computer wizardry. They are her props. A similar effect can be produced by looking at your face reflected in the back of a soup spoon.

Says Berry: “Here’s where I look like my Jewish cousin.” Berry does not have a Jewish cousin. But she has black blood and is racially aware. It was she who said of conversations with her white mother: “Her mother taught her not to discriminate because we’re all part of the same race: the human race…. After having many talks with her mother about the issue, she reinforced what she had always taught her.”

No one laughed at Halle’s comment. Says Leno: “I’m glad you said that and not me.”
“Oh God,” say Berry, blaspheming and so alienating another key demographic. “Have I just ruined my career?”

Halle cannot deny outright. But she can reconstruct the scene to shed new light on her error. The PR machine kicks into gear. She draws our attention to “one of my Jewish friends”. It was one of Halle’s Jewish friends – of which there are surely many – who looked at the picture and said: “That could be your Jewish cousin.”

Berry’s guilt is now at a lower level. “I guess it was fresh in my mind and it just came out of my mouth,” she explains. “But I didn’t mean to offend anybody.” And how can she have offended Jews when the joke was their idea?

We should not take her comment the wrong way. But Berry is sensitive. She wants to protect us from the real bigots out there, of which her many Jewish friends could doubtless tell her of.

Says she: “After the show I realised it could be seen as offensive so asked Jay to take it out.” So when aired, the word Jewish was blanked, thus sparing the feeling of Jews and anti-race campaigners, and not given the anti-Semites and racists a reason to laugh.

The record is set straight…

Posted: 25th, October 2007 | In: Tabloids Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink