
Anorak News | Russell Brand: The Stuffed Elvis And Me

Russell Brand: The Stuffed Elvis And Me

by | 26th, November 2007

russellbrand.JPGLOOKING over the eBay website, the Star happens upon Russell Brand’s pet mouse. Given Mr Brand’s brand of humour, we would appear to be on the verge of an urban legend.

For now, though, know that Elvis, the presenter’s former pet mouse, is for sale. Elvis the mouse is dead, and animal rights activists should rest easy. Although they may take exception to the news that in his afterlife Elvis has been stuffed and mounted on a pair of webbed feet.

Says Harry Glass of Brand and Elvis: “He gave him the run of his scalp. After few months, poor Elvis died. Our friend was training as a taxidermist, so he stuffed Elvis and Russell gave it to me.” And: “I have carefully kept Elvis as a reminder of my crazy days with Russ.”

Of course, crazy is in the mind, and readers will realise that stuffing a woodland creature and dressing it up in outlandish fashion is the stuff of the higher class. They are fond of equipping a padded fox with monocle and matching tweeds, or else sitting him in the kitchen amid pristine tablecloths, bone china and fresh dahlias as a interesting centrepiece, something to keep things jovial when talk of house prices and alcoholism have run dry.

Brand dresses as a dandy and has taken drugs. Beatrix Potter died some time ago…

Posted: 26th, November 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink