Amy Winehouse Is Karl Lagerfeld’s Fashion Line
HAVING heard Amy Winehouse’s mum have a quiet word with her daughter via the pages of the News of the World, it is now the turn to Amy’s father Mitch to speak out.
While “Ma” administers an intravenous “steaming bowl of chicken soup” dad takes a tougher line, as his “cabbie” status demands.
“It’s absolute rubbish to suggest that no one has been in touch with Amy,” says he in the Mirror. “I’ve seen her five times myself last week.”
Mirror readers used to seeing Winehouse every day without fail shake their heads. Seven days in a week, Mitch. Seven beats five.
Says Mitch: “We’re getting sick of the sight of each other, we’re seeing each other that much. Amy is monitored all the time.”
Indeed she is. The Sun monitors Amy as she battles “drug addiction, bulimia and a jailed hubby”.
What’s My Line?
We stare. But what else can be done to help her? We’ve tried the gentle and the strong. What about praise, appealing to the Winehouse ego? Reading on in the Sun, readers note that designer Karl Lagerfeld has claimed Winehouse as his “muse”.
High fashion’s grande dame compares Amy to Sixties sex symbol Bridgette Bardot. Those who have seen Bardot may consider the comparison unflattering and unhelpful.
But keep it to yourself. This is praise, a way to boost Amy’s confidence and negate the need for any narcotic props.
Says Lagerfeld: “She is a beautiful, gifted artist. And I like very much her hairdo.”
That do?
It might be enough. Winehouse may yet make it as a model – if she can only suck in her cheeks and lose some weight…
Posted: 10th, December 2007 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink