
Anorak News | Daily Mirror Writers And Lies

Daily Mirror Writers And Lies

by | 4th, January 2008

WRITES the Mirror’s Julie McCaffrey in “The truth really does hurt: “Could I go a whole day of telling the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”

The question is rhetorical as Julie soon tells readers: “If we never told any lies we’d struggle to hold down a job – in fact, we’d never make it past the interview – we’d have no friends and families would be at war.”

So we tell lies. There is harmony. Families don’t fight. Unless you’re Tony Blair, in which instance countries go to war…

No mention of Tony in the list of lies provided, nor of those pictures of British soldiers urinating on Iraqi captives (see Mirror) 

Posted: 4th, January 2008 | In: Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink