
Anorak News | Our Debt To Hello!

Our Debt To Hello!

by | 22nd, January 2008

anthea-turner.jpgWANT to know why you’re poor? Yes it is His fault.

But the Mail pinpoints it exactly, telling readers: “How the Hello! factor is driving millions into debt.”

We are in the grip of a “spendemic”. Ann Robinson, director of consumer policy at Uswitch, said:

“We are caught in a spiral of conspicuous consumption. It is no longer enough to keep up with the Joneses.

“Instead we want to live like our favourite celebrities. But it is clear our salaries cannot keep up with our ‘Hello! magazine lifestyles’.”

Luckily, like you, the Anorak’s favourite celebrity is Anthea Turner, who has not been in the pages of Hello! for some time…

Posted: 22nd, January 2008 | In: Celebrities, Money, Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink