
Anorak News | Tom Cruise Goebbels An Ology In Science

Tom Cruise Goebbels An Ology In Science

by | 22nd, January 2008

tom-crusie-ology.pngSCIENTOLOGY is, of course, not a real religion, merely a joke on Tom Cruise that has gotten out of hand.

The first recorded mention of Scientology was when Beattie (Maureen Lipman) became agitated that her grandson had got an ‘ology’ in science.

Had Tom Cruise not been watching TV at that moment on that day, Scientology would have been consigned to the dustbin of advertising history, along with the Smash Robots, Buzby and Ted Moult.

Show Me The Ology

But Tom was watching. And we fast forward to the present day where Tom Cruise is a famous Scientologist and being laughed at and ridiculed by millions.

Scientology is not a religion, of course. Real religions demand subservience, for the supplicants to hand over money and be selfless and unquestioning in their dedication to other beings and the Big Book.

Scientologists are just required to watch a film. And the film is proving to be a hit in Germany, where tabloid newspaper Bild published comments by World War II historian Guido Knopp likening Cruise’s speech to propaganda delivered by Goebbels in Nazi Germany.

Says Knopp: “It may be the case that Cruise’s delivery style is not uncommon in certain religious movements in the U.S. But for Germans with an interest in history, that scene where he asks whether the Scientologists should clean up the world and everyone shouts ‘yes’ is inevitably reminiscent of Goebbels’ notorious speech.”

Asks Goebbels: “Do you want total war?” And the crowd yells back: “Show me the money!”

Ein Gross Deal

In response, the Church of Scientology has accused Bild of being “grossly irresponsible” for publishing Knopp’s claims.

Karin Pouw, the church’s public affairs director, says: “Bild am Sonntag is grossly irresponsible for publishing horrendous and disgraceful claims about Mr Cruise…

“In doing so, he was urging other people to become involved in similar humanitarian activities to the betterment of all. Anyone who knows Mr Cruise knows that he does not have a prejudicial bone in his body and that, unlike Bild am Sonntag and other German anti-religionists, he does not discriminate against any other religion, race or colour.”

But he does have an ‘ology’…

Posted: 22nd, January 2008 | In: Celebrities Comments (8) | TrackBack | Permalink