
Anorak News | Woman Advertises On Craigslist For Hitman And Freelancer

Woman Advertises On Craigslist For Hitman And Freelancer

by | 28th, January 2008

freelance-journalist.jpgOVER the newswires comes news of a woman who advertised on the Craigslist site for an assassin to kill the wife of a man with whom she’d had an affair.

The ad by Ann Marie Linscott, 49, was posted in November as a generic request for somebody to perform a “freelance” job, court document said. Her true intention was only communicated to those who e-mailed her seeking additional information about the job, the Craigslist CEO said.

Linscott offered $5,000 for the hit, had the name and work address of the woman she wanted dead and she described successful candidates as “silent assassins,” according to agents and court documents.

Shocking stuff. Freelancing is often a thankless task and we wonder how many journalists applied for the job? 

The freelance life is full of spare minutes, sometimes hours, on occassion days, in which the writer can imagine alternative lives, like being a bank worker, Jeremy Kyle’s warm-up man or a hired gun.

And getting dressed…

Posted: 28th, January 2008 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink