
Anorak News | Amy Winehouse’s Black Lolly

Amy Winehouse’s Black Lolly

by | 1st, February 2008

amy-ribena.jpgAMY Winehouse has gone “back to blackcurrant”.

Students of the Mirror’s Celebrity Cocaine masterclass may titter or become confused at the sight of Winehouse pushing a straw into her mouth.

The paper that successfully employed pictures of Kate Moss in a recording studio to train readers in how to take cocaine (although Moss might have been), and so spare us any embarrassment at showbiz get togethers, now delivers its Winehouse shocker.*

The other end of the Winehouse’s straw is secured in a carton of strawberry-flavoured Ribena. Has Winehouse poured the more daring headline-making blackcurrant cordial into a strawberry container to prevent detection?

The Mirror’s 3am Girls (“GOSSIP GONE TOXIC”) say Winehouse is partial to a Ribena lolly. 

No lolly is featured. Although readers keen to see one can search the web for “Anthea Turner mivvy”, and begin to form an impressson of the thing. 

“We had hoped that Amy Winehouse has given up her addictions once and for all. The blackcurrant flavouring might turn your lips charcoal, and you’ll get a blinding 10-second headache…but we’d rather she sucked on them than a crack pipe any day of the week.”

Even on a slow news day. “Phew” say the girls.


* You can snort Ribena, but it may go down the wrong hole

Posted: 1st, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink