
Anorak News | Amy Winehouse Picks Up A Grammy

Amy Winehouse Picks Up A Grammy

by | 5th, February 2008

amy_winehouse_paris-_hilton.jpgAMY Winehouse is looking “REFAB”.

Amy Winehouse is putting on a “defiant front” as she pours her bosom into a bra and forgets to say “when”.

Amy is pictured on her way to “meet officials” at the US embassy. Not for fizzy drinks and canapés designed to look like small burgers and cheese sticks. Winehouse needs a visa to travel to Los Angeles, where he is up for six Grammy Awards. She has set herself the challenge of securing the document.

No easy thing. The US frowns upon non-prescription drugs takers and Amy has a drug conviction, a souvenir from her time in Norway. Granted, taking drugs in Norway can be forgiven, it being one way to endure life in those chilly limes, but rules are rules.

So Amy “pops out of Rehab”, (Sun’s front page). “Breast of luck,” Amy,” says the paper.

If she gets the documents, Amy can go to America and turn her back on the UK.

We will then be treated to headlines about how Amy plans to CRACK the US market…

Posted: 5th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink