
Anorak News | Pimp My Clinton

Pimp My Clinton

by | 9th, February 2008

DAVID Shuster, a nodding head, says about Chelsea Clinton: “Doesn’t it seem like she’s being pimped out in some weird sort of way?”

If you were going to pimp out Chelsea, wouldn’t you tart her up a little? Or is hers a trademarked Clinton look, a kink?

It was all no big deal, until MSNBC suspended him, after pressure from the Clinton campaign. So Shuster, instead of seizing the moment of his greatest fame to say something vital, something he has always wanted to say, just grovels:

IN The NY Times: “All Americans should be proud of Chelsea Clinton”?

ONE question: If the Clintons are American royalty, is Chelsea, Princess Anne or Prince Charles?

Posted: 9th, February 2008 | In: Politicians Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink