
Anorak News | Press Release Of The Day: Cleaning Lessons For Cleaners

Press Release Of The Day: Cleaning Lessons For Cleaners

by | 12th, February 2008

FROM the Government News Networks: “The Health and Safety Executive offers free advice to cut workplace slips and trips in the cleaning industry.”

More than 1,000 workers a month suffer a serious injury following a slip, trip or fall in the UK. The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) is running a free seminar with expert advice for the cleaning industry on how to prevent workplace accidents.

The HSE’s Shattered Lives campaign is aimed at those most at risk from slips, trips and falls, and those best placed to take action. The seminar is being run jointly with the EEF to equip businesses with the skills needed to assess the risks associated with cleaning and take action to control them.

Statistics reveal that 3.3 million working days were lost in London due to workplace injury and ill health in 2006-7. During that year there were 14,676 reported major injuries and cases of ill health among employees, which led to more than three days off work. Preventing workplace slips and trips is good for the health of employees and good for business.

The full day programme will include research and information on safe footwear, manhandling advice and equipment to prevent falls.

During the day there will also be advice on floor cleaning, contamination control, and how to manage chemicals to avoid dermatitis.


Posted: 12th, February 2008 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink