
Anorak News | Man And False Teeth Reunited

Man And False Teeth Reunited

by | 13th, February 2008

DAVID Packer has lost his teeth.

“I was walking up Haystacks in the Lake District with my partner Pat, in March last year, and we stopped for a little rest,” says David.

“I always take a drop of brandy and Mars bar with me and I had to take my false teeth out to have the bar…”

(Dentists will see the irony.)

“About 45 minutes later I realised they were missing.”

One year on and Alan Marsden finds the teeth. “I was out walking with my wife when she spotted something shiny on the ground,” says he.

“We looked further and saw it was a dental plate just lying there, it was still in good condition. I thought the owner might be missing them and decided to put an advert in the lost gloves section of Trail Magazine.”

Says Mr Packer: “I opened the magazine and saw a picture of my plate looking back at me. I couldn’t believe it. I contacted the person and got them posted back to me.

“I had visions of a sheep wandering around the Lakes with a set of my shiny teeth – I never thought I would see them again.”

Posted: 13th, February 2008 | In: Strange But True Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink