
Anorak News | When Tigers Escape

When Tigers Escape

by | 24th, February 2008

tiger-escape.jpgTATIANA the tiger escapes from its cage at San Francisco Zoo and kills a man.

The Siberian tiger was shot dead. 

Zookeepers at the Honolulu Zoo are “scratching their heads over how one of their tigers — an 8-year-old Sumatran male named Berani — managed to slink out of his enclosure”.

And now news of a royal Bengal tiger wandering into a village in India, about 150 miles south of Calcutta.

An “angry” mob chases the tiger up a date palm tree.

At one point, as many as 1,000 people chased the pregnant tiger through fields and villages, some hitting it with stones. Wildlife workers tranquilized the tiger as it sat in a tree, and they brought the royal Bengal down, where the groggy cat briefly attacked one of the hundreds of villagers surrounding the tree. The tiger was treated for a few minor injuries and was then returned by boat to the Sunderbans Tiger Reserve, where when its cage was opened; the tiger leaped into the water to swim away.

Is this all part of a bid by tigers to be noticed, a cry for help? Are tigers sick of polar bears getting all the attention? Look out for more tiger stories, and tigers…

Posted: 24th, February 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink