
Anorak News | Britney Spears: Reunited, Banned From Oscars, Edison Chen And Klum Regrets

Britney Spears: Reunited, Banned From Oscars, Edison Chen And Klum Regrets

by | 24th, February 2008

britney-spears.jpgBRITNEY WATCH: Anorak’s look at Britney Spears in the news.

And, yes, that is the back of the world’s foremost celebrity’s head. And, yes, we like our top acts to look worse than most of us.

STARPULSE: “Britney Spears Reunited With Sons”

Spears picked the boys up from Federline’s Tarzana, California home on Saturday morning, in the company of her father Jamie and her psychiatrist, according to

CNN-IBN: “Spears banned from all pre-Oscar parties”

“While Britney is certainly a name in Hollywood – it’s for all the wrong reasons. She’s a car crash waiting to happen and organisers don’t want to take the risk of her showing up and creating a scene,” an informed source said.

“Her presence at any party would instantly generate lots of publicity but while it’s tempting to send out an invite, it’s a hassle that they don’t really want,” the source added.

PC WORLD: “Internet Exposure Damages Actor’s Career in China”

Singer Britney Spears’ downward spiral has captivated American pop media for months. But over the last month, the Chinese-speaking world has been riveted by the antics of a Canadian-born actor named Edison Chen. In late January, photos depicting Chen in the company of several famous Hong Kong actresses and singers began to surface on the Internet…Chen escaped the heat by flying to the U.S. and his native Canada, returning to Hong Kong late last week. At a news conference, he announced that he would step back from the Hong Kong entertainment industry indefinitely, although he said he would honor all of his existing commitments that list has certainly dwindled — at least five companies that use Chen in their ads have said they would not renew his contracts.

TORONTO STAR: Well, isn’t that just the saddest thing ever? Britney’s unfortunate(-looking) children aren’t even allowed to talk to her on the phone anymore. Kevin Federline is all kinds of concerned about her being a bad influence. Also, she hasn’t paid Kevin’s phone bill for a while so there isn’t any phone for her to call. It all works out nicely.

SYDNEY MORNING HERALD: “Make ’em bark or sing, change the whole thing”

Perhaps it should be extended with the addition of new sections, such as the career death watch, directed at greedy has-been stars whom management wants run out of town on a rail, or the public shaming, wherein the more egregious behaviour of young Hollywood would be highlighted in disgraceful mugshots and paparazzi scoops: Mel Gibson in anti-Semitic full flight, Lindsay Lohan barfing into Britney Spears’s cleavage, and so on, with the audience lustily bawling its condemnation.

WASHINGTON POST: “An attorney who claims to represent troubled pop star Britney Spears has said her federal rights are being violated and her conservator and father, Jamie Spears, is preventing her from talking to friends, court papers showed on Friday. The attorney, Jon Eardley, said he was hired by Spears on February 12 and has “spoken with her on several occasions.”

SIFY (India): “Klum regrets inviting Britney to live with her”

During the interview, Kulm had said: “She (Britney) can call me and come live in our house with us for a couple of months. I would help set her straight.” Now she says: “People always want to know what you have to say about Britney Spears and I don’t really know her… I met her once. People always want to squeeze something out of me. All of a sudden I’m her landlord, basically… I don’t even know her. I don’t know what her thing is.”

BALTIMORE SUN: “A first field guide to the mysterious blogiverse”

“Newspapers are looking at the number of hits that bloggers who write about Britney Spears can get and wondering, ‘How do we get a piece of this?’ They’ve changed their coverage, but bloggers’ authenticity often comes from being independent.”

SEATTLE TIMES: “‘Britney’ in decline as a baby name, too”

Sometimes all it takes is one person to ruin a name. Take Adolph… The popularity graph for Britney, which can be seen at the terrific Web site, looks like a shark fin. The name was almost nonexistent in 1980, rose to prominence on the blond-headed shoulders of bubblegum princess Britney Spears and has deflated into irrelevance right along with her. She dragged alternative spellings — Brittney and Brittany — along for the fall.

MONSTERS & CRITICS: Kevin Federline’s political voice

Kevin Federline’s voice will soon be heard in an animated political comedy. The aspiring star – who is currently involved in a custody battle with ex-wife Britney Spears over their children, two-year-old Sean Preston and Jayden James, 17 months – will voice cartoon character Karl Rove in hit US TV show ‘Lil’ Bush’.

Britney Spears – Journalists: Press f9 For News

Posted: 24th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink