
Anorak News | The Beckhams Are Stitched Up

The Beckhams Are Stitched Up

by | 25th, February 2008

david-victoria-beckhams.jpg“POSH ‘N’ BECKS BETRAYED.”

The Star promises much. But who has done it this betraying? The hairdresser? The PA? The mild mannered cleaner? Could be…

“Pals” say Vicky And Day-vid have been “betrayed” by “former friends, lovers, business aides and old school chums”.

That’s a lot of betraying. And we wonder how Posh and Becks failed to secure gagging contracts with anyone who has ever met them, plans to meet them or has had thoughts about meeting them.

An oversight. That much is certain. Heads will roll.

Says a loyal source: “They are spitting blood. They feel they’ve been stitched-up – betrayed, even. This couldn’t have come at a worse time, with both of them trying to build new careers and reputations in Los Angeles.”

Day-vid’s new career as a tattoo enthusiast and Posh’s reputation as a thin person in jeans could suffer in light of a TV show about their life.

Plans for the Beckhams to produce their own TV show in which Posh ‘n’ Becks are shown watching this documentary are not yet secured, nor how it will enhance their new reputations…

Posted: 25th, February 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink