
Anorak News | Ten Million Britons Looking To Flee The UK

Ten Million Britons Looking To Flee The UK

by | 25th, February 2008

eldorado.jpg“THE GREAT EXODUS,” says the Daily Express on its front page. “WHY 4 MILLION OF US WANT TO QUIT BRITAIN.”

Inside: “Figures out yesterday show that of the 10 million people looking to buy a property abroad in the next tear, four million will consider leaving for good.”

Can it be that we are now so rich that 10 million of us are looking to buy a home overseas? “In today’s Britain there are so few reasons to be cheerful,” says the Express’s leader. But here, at last, is one.

The Express features one Peter Ellis, who tells us: “With the rising cost of living…it seems that many of us are seeking refuge aboard.”

Things are so expensive in Blighty that 10 million of us – around one sixth of the total population – have enough cash to buy a home overseas.

Take into consideration the four million looking to move away permanently and six million of us are looking to buy a home over there while living in the UK.

Says Mr Ellis: “Buying property overseas is still an excellent investment and a great opportunity for a better quality of life.”

Well, 10 million of us cannot be wrong. And these are just the ones looking who have not already bought into the dream.

Mr Ellis knows his stuff. Incidentally, he is the director of something called Foreign Currency Direct, a company that conducted an online survey of people already looking for a property abroad.

How many responded to his company’s poll is not said, but estimates are between one and ten million. Such is the Daily Express’s news…

Posted: 25th, February 2008 | In: Tabloids Comments (5) | TrackBack | Permalink