
Anorak News | Tom Cruise’s ‘Prison’ For Katie Holmes And The Scientology Birthday Video

Tom Cruise’s ‘Prison’ For Katie Holmes And The Scientology Birthday Video

by | 15th, March 2008

JOURNEY with us to the home of Tom Cruise and his not-that-much-taller-if-you-squint wife Katie Holmes. The home is to be modernised with space age technology:

Says a source: “There will be codes and devices that only Tom will have the secret information to operate. Katie, who led a carefree life before she met Tom, says it’ll be like a prison. Every move she makes inside or outside their house will be recorded. she says she’ll feel as though there is no escape from Tom’s controlling ways. You can escape the eyes of another person by going to a different part of the house. But [Katie] knows she can’t escape the roving eyes of the cameras that are constantly sweeping the house.”

As Michael K notes:

The source went on to say, “Katie will barely be able to move around her own home without being monitored by cameras and electrical devices.” Electrical devices? Oh shit! I wish I was around when Katie and Suri’s internal computer interferes with the new security system! Katie’s head will spin and she’ll start spewing shit like “Tom Cruise is the best bottom I’ve ever been with” and “Mrs. Tom Cruise Beckham.” Tommy programmed those phrases into Katie, so she can repeat them to him in the privacy of their alien chamber.

The video was obtained by Gawker of life aboard the watch Scientology boat Freewinds.

Cruise’s entrance is, of course, to the theme music from Top Gun, one of the movies for which the actor is best known, or was, until he took up his new role as evangelist for the bizarre Church. After the movie clips are played, and the bands perform, Cruise exclaims: “This is incredible… It’s the best birthday ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, and I mean ever!”

There’s no place like home; there’s no place like home…

Posted: 15th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities Comments (8) | TrackBack | Permalink