
Anorak News | Earth Hour For A Comatose Mankind

Earth Hour For A Comatose Mankind

by | 21st, March 2008

earth-hour.pngASKS the Niagara Falls Review: “What difference can we make to the health of the planet in just 60 minutes?” It’s Earth Hour.

Anyone who has visited the town of Niagara may suggest that Gaia’s health could be improved by spending an hour scraping the place off her skin.

But this is Earth hour. And we humans should be quiet – too apologetic to breathe and too scared to die, lest our escaping gases kill everything they touch.

Says the paper: “Pat Mascarin wants to be in the dark. She’s so keen to observe Earth Hour, she’s might forgo electricity for two hours, twice as long as the rest of the world.”

More like her. But why stop there? Why not forgo electricity for an entire night?

“I’m planning to start with the lights,” says Mascarin, “the first participant to sign up on the city’s Earth Hour registry”.

Says she: “It’s a baby step. If you don’t do anything, where are we?”.

At a guess, we’d say we are in the dark; groping along the banister; falling down the stars; and lying in cold, still house of the next 1 hour and 59 minutes.

We are on a life support machine. It is Earth Hour. And a well-meaning bony hand reaches into the room to turn off the switch…

Posted: 21st, March 2008 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink