
Anorak News | When Celebrities Are Busting To Go: Kate Beckinsale’s Vagina

When Celebrities Are Busting To Go: Kate Beckinsale’s Vagina

by | 21st, March 2008

kate-beckinsale-perfume.jpgKATE Beckinsale wants to be known as the Hollywood woman who has a vagina. She has already talked about her Pharoah’s Tomb.

Beckinsale is not much of an actress so has hit on a way to compensate for his lack of acting nouse by talking about her vagina.

She talks about her vagina in America, where the hope is that her English accent will make her appear as the upper-class girl saying the unsayable. Say the same thing in England and she sounds like one of the girls on the night bus whose “bustin’ to shake her lettuce”.

As a guest on US TV’s ‘Late Late Show With Craig Ferguson’, Kate’s microphone pack fell out.

Said she: “I can’t believe that’s fallen out. They wanted to hook it onto the back of my knickers, but I am going commando, so they couldn’t do it! So there was nothing to hook them on so it fell out.”

Now she tells Moviefone: “I have to say, sushi freaks me out more than almost anything. At least a vagina would be warm. My publicist has literally turned a funny color and is going to go have a lie-down. He’s throwing up now, as well. I find a lot of things kind of funny and I often say what’s on my mind, and then get nine texts from all my friends going, ‘What’s the matter with you?’ But I haven’t ever made a big attempt to have any particular image. And I don’t really worry about it.”

She’s so outrageous. Where will the koocky madness end? And how long before she comes on TV smelling of stale urine and brings out her own range of perfume?

Posted: 21st, March 2008 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink