
Anorak News | Lady Heather Mills And Fiona’s Paul McCartney Puppet Show

Lady Heather Mills And Fiona’s Paul McCartney Puppet Show

by | 22nd, March 2008

heather-mills-puppet.jpg“MACCA’S GAGGING FOR TELLY FORTUNE,” screams the Sun’s front-page headline.

Says Lady Heather Mills, the First Beatle, for it is she: “A person has a right to privacy when they enter a family court and this was taken away from me.”

The Sun notes the words in a statement made by Mills to GMTV, judge and jury for the institutionalised masses and stay-at-home mum on prescription medication: “Publishing this judgment is against the principle of the privacy expected within family courts. This decision appears to have been taken with disregard for my human right to privacy.”

Says the Sun:

“Heather is plotting an all-out assault on the States. Larry King doesn’t pay for interviews, so she’s keeping her powder dry for a big deal with a show like Entertainment Tonight. This time she’ll have Fiona at her side, who isn’t bound by the confidentiality agreement and will give her full opinion about the marriage.”

The plan is, apparently, for Heather to appear on US talk shows and allow her sister Fiona to spill the beans. From being famous for having a spare part, Mills will now be the spare part, with her sister sat on her knee in the manner of Spit the Dog to Mills’ Bob Carolgees.

Better yet, Fiona could sit before her American interlocutor and rub her temples, channelling Heather. To screams of “Dodi, nooooo!” and “She’s gone!” Fiona could cower, contort her hands into a crucifix and scream “Paul is dead!”

Meanwhile, the Sun spots Beatrice Mills-McCartney-Mills-McCartney sat in the back of her dad’s 4×4 “listening to music on a pair of huge head-phones”.

Music. We cock an ear. And we hear the song: “Paul is dead… Paul is dead… Paul is dead…”

Posted: 22nd, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink