
Anorak News | Journalist Assignment: Questioning Guantanamo Bay’s Moazzem Begg

Journalist Assignment: Questioning Guantanamo Bay’s Moazzem Begg

by | 26th, March 2008

CALLING a journalist: Ex-Guantanamo Bay prisoner Moazzam Begg will give journalists and broadcasters a rare opportunity to put questions to him during a Q & A session. The press opportunity will take place at Edge Hill University at 5pm on Tuesday 1 April 2008, before Begg delivers a lecture entitled ‘Is Torture Ever Justified?’

You are invited to send a journalist and camera crew to Edge Hill University at 4.45pm on Tuesday 1 April.

Anyone who fancies the job can contact editor [@] anorak [dot] co [dot] uk with “INTERVIEW” in the subject box…

Posted: 26th, March 2008 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink