
Anorak News | Counting Black Employees At Google

Counting Black Employees At Google

by | 26th, March 2008

BLACK employees at Google. Where are they?

It’s no secret Google has painfully few black employees. Why lie about it? Laszlo Bock, Google’s exceedingly Caucasian vice president of people operations, assured members of Congress last June that Google, which was lobbying for more H1-B visas for immigrant workers, had plenty of black employees… “How many [of Google’s employees] are African-American?” asked Representative Maxine Waters.

“I don’t actually have that data at my fingertips,” was Bock’s reply. “I apologize.”

Ludicrous. Google runs on numbers. Had that been Bock’s answer in a presentation to Google CEO Eric Schmidt, he would have been frog-marched out of the Googleplex by security.

So how many? Two..? One and a half..?


Posted: 26th, March 2008 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink