
Anorak News | Jacksons Give Express Newspapers A Chance To Say Sorry

Jacksons Give Express Newspapers A Chance To Say Sorry

by | 28th, March 2008

daily-express-sorry.pngIT’S hard to say what Michael Jackson looks like now, but opinion formers and Jackson watchers suggest he could resemble a willowy blonde woman called Kate.

But it’s not Jackson who, as reported, is looking to insitgate legal unpleasantness against the Daily Star.

The Press Gazette reports that Jacko’s brothers Tito and Jermaine have instructed their lawyers to “take all necessary action” against the Express Newspapers title for “untrue and defamatory” allegations.

In “Jackson five hit the skids” the Star claimed that all five members of the hit band were not so financially well off. It was “another Daily Star showbiz exclusive”.

The Star said that Jermaine Jackson owes £2.5million to the taxman and Tito Jackson earns as little as, or as much as, £250 a gig playing in a blues band.

We have no wish to comment on the legal niceties of any case, and only note that if you do want to reduce your finances then other than buying a racehorse or divorcing Heather Mills, hiring a lawyer to fight a matter of principle is as good a plan as any.

Of course, this may be the Jacksons playing into the Star’s hands, the paper ascertaining that a good front-page apology does wonders for sales. It’s all about hitting the right target.

If only Her Majesty would play the game and sue. Just where was she on the night Princess Diana died?

Posted: 28th, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink