
Anorak News | Too Many A-Levels Students Failing Media Studies

Too Many A-Levels Students Failing Media Studies

by | 31st, March 2008

media-studies-spears.pngTHE Qualifications and Curriculum Authority says there has been a nine per cent rise in the number of successful appeals on A-level grades.

Students are given one week after their results are made known to appeal.

The Mail says “sob stories” are on the up. A Nick Seaton, part of the Campaign For Real Education, says the figures are “extremely shocking”.

Indeed, only nine percent. Given the popularity of media studies, we would expect a far higher number of sob stories, and a far higher rate of success.

Just today the Star says Paul Gascoigne is “recovering well from the hip replacement op that triggered his problems”.

Those students who failed in their Sob Stories modules should consider the appeals “I’m bi-polar”, “I was in rehab detoxing” and “What would Britney do?”…

Posted: 31st, March 2008 | In: Celebrities, Tabloids Comment | TrackBack | Permalink