
Anorak News | Ofcom Finds Perverts On Facebook, MySpace and Bebo

Ofcom Finds Perverts On Facebook, MySpace and Bebo

by | 2nd, April 2008

daily-mail-reader.jpg “MILLIONS OF GIRLS AT RISK ONLINE,” says the Mail’s front-page headline. “Shock report reveals parents are blind to dangers of Facebook, MySpace and Bebo.”

The talks of paedophiles and bullying. The Mail has seen a report by the communications watchdog Ofcom.

Says the Mail: “Teenage girls think nothing of posting profiles accompanied by sexually provocative pictures of themselves along with personal details including names, addresses and the school they attend.”

The Mail pulls on its dog collar and looks of evidence of filth and degradation. It finds the profile of one 14 year old, and shows its readers a picture of her cleavage.
There’s anther shot of a blonde 16-year-old who wants to be model. Dressed in “nothing but a waistcoat and briefs, she poses provocatively on a bed and standing on a window-sill”.

There’s another image of a 15-yar-old girl grabbing her breasts as “she mimics a pose from a pornographic model’s repertoire”, such as features in less upmarket organs.

It’s all absolutely disgusting. And if any Mail reader wants to find out more about this sink of filth, they can sign up for social networking site for free and look for themselves…

Posted: 2nd, April 2008 | In: Tabloids Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink