
Anorak News | One-Armed Jewish Black Lesbian Obese Cheerleaders For McCain

One-Armed Jewish Black Lesbian Obese Cheerleaders For McCain

by | 12th, August 2008

JOHN McCain looks like one man, but he is also many men, to many people.

To the rest of the world, Americans always look, sound and act like Americans, but to Americans they are each of them special, each of them a niche focus group waiting to be marketed.

At the John McCain shop, you can buy merchandise declaring:

Students for McCain
Army Veteran for McCain
Navy Veteran for McCain
Coast Guard Veteran for McCain
Marine Veteran for McCain
Army National Guard Veteran for McCain
Air Force Veteran for McCain
Air National Guard Veteran for McCain
Americans with Disabilities for McCain
Mom for McCain
Bikers for McCain
Arab Americans for McCain
African Americans for McCain
Jewish Americans for McCain
First Responders for McCain (?)
“Select Your State” for McCain
Dad for McCain
Sportsmen for McCain
Future Leaders for McCain
Asian & Pacific Americans for McCain
Business Leaders for McCain

Good stuff. But when you include you also exclude, and Anorak notes the absence of:

Native American Indians for McCain
Displaced Europeans for McCain
Voyeurs for McCain
Communists for McCain
German ex-pats for McCain
Celebrities for McCain
Lesbians for McCain
One-armed lesbians for McCain
One-armed Jewish lesbians for McCain
One-armed black Jewish lesbians for McCain
Hindus for MCain
Latinas for McCain
Fat people for McCain

We could go on. And until Man At McCain introduces a T-shirt for each special needs group in the US, we fear he will never be the man of the people his countrymen demand…


Posted: 12th, August 2008 | In: Politicians Comments (7) | TrackBack | Permalink