
Anorak News | Scare Stories: Third Hand Smoke And Licking Smokers Kills

Scare Stories: Third Hand Smoke And Licking Smokers Kills

by | 7th, January 2009

DID you know that “poisons in cigarette smoke can linger on fabrics or hair”?

The BBC says “a survey of 1,500 households found that fewer than half of smokers knew this”.

How many non-smokers knew it is unsaid, and we await the result of further surveys. And finding non-smokers will not be easy, because they have been inhaling smokers for years.

UK baby charity Tommy’s said it was vital that pregnant women were alerted… There is plenty of evidence that “second-hand” smoke – breathed when you are in the same room as someone smoking – can be harmful, particularly to children, and some parents adopt a strategy of never smoking in their child’s presence.

But they should not go anywhere near them at all. Physical contact should be banned or held off until such time when the smoker has had their head and body shaved and their body wrapped in a protective white paper suit. They should then be swabbed by a forensic expert and their results held on file.

Toxic particles in cigarette smoke can remain on nearby surfaces, as well as the hair and clothing of the smoker, long after the cigarette has been put out, and small children are susceptible because they are likely to breathe in close proximity, or even lick and suck them.

Yeah, kids are always licking and sucking smokers and smokers’ clothes. It’s all part of growing up. (Does Gary Glitter smoke, or claim to?)…

Posted: 7th, January 2009 | In: Reviews Comments (2) | TrackBack | Permalink