
Anorak News | Israel Attacked by Lebanon Rockets And Reporting From Gaza

Israel Attacked by Lebanon Rockets And Reporting From Gaza

by | 8th, January 2009

ROCKETS fired from Lebanon have hit Israel. Sky News reports:

Three rockets hit northern Israel the area near the town of Nahariya, five miles south of the Lebanese border, Israeli police said.

Two elderly women were lightly wounded by one of the rockets, according to Israeli medical staff.

More bait that the Israelis say they have alreay snuffed out.

How much longer before Iran is attacked?

Reporting from Gaza:

  • The Israeli authorities are not allowing foreign journalists free entry into Gaza.
  • The Foreign Press Association recently held a lottery for the first eight foreign media organisations to be given access to Gaza. Sky did not win a ticket in this first round.
  • Sky News, like other foreign media outlets, is relying on local Palestinian freelancers inside Gaza to give us the latest information.
  • Some military details may be subject to censorship by the Israeli Defence Forces (IDF).  This is standard for all media organisations operating out of Israel.

The Israelis should let the hacks in. And the media operators should say wher they get their news and facts from.

Image by Thair Hasani.

Posted: 8th, January 2009 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink