
Anorak News | When Pink Attacks: Colour Pink Is Killing Girls

When Pink Attacks: Colour Pink Is Killing Girls

by | 8th, January 2009

THE BBC looks at the colour pink and the girls who crave it like a junkie craves crack cocaine, and wonders:

Ask a little girl what her favourite colour is, and chances are she’ll shout “pink”. Toy aisles and clothing rails are packed with this shade, but is nothing but pink for girls harmful?

Warning: Asking girl what colour she likes may see you branded a paedo. Take care. If you must ask, do so when the child is in the company of her parents or guardians, a member of the emrgency services and in broad daylight, in an amusement arcade, say, or on a beach.  

Claire Bates goes on:

How different it was in the early 1900s, when blue was for girls and pink for boys.

Old Mr Anorak nods.

The Women’s Journal: “That pink being a more decided and stronger colour, is more suitable for the boy, while blue, which is more delicate and dainty, is prettier for the girl.”

DressMaker magazine: “The preferred colour to dress young boys in is pink. Blue is reserved for girls as it is considered paler, and the more dainty of the two colours, and pink is thought to be stronger (akin to red).”

And then it changed. Get this:

What prompted the switch is unclear, but it had been made by the time Adolf Hitler ordered the classification of homosexuals. Those deemed “curable” were sent to concentration camps and labelled with a pink triangle. This suggests that by then, pink was associated with femininity.

Or that the Nazis liked pink. Hilter was dressed almost exclusively in pink between the ages of 4 and 15. And what harm done?

Sue Palmer, author of Toxic Childhood opines:

I am very worried about it. You can’t find girls over the age of three who aren’t obsessed with the colour. It’s under their skin from a very early age and severely limits choices, and decisions.

“We have got to get something done about the effect marketeers are having. We are creating little fluffy pink princess, an image of girliness, that is very specific and which some girls don’t want to go along with, but due to overwhelming peer pressure, are having to conform to.”

The Nazis wanted the same. Heaven, knows, they were misunderstood. Like them:

…a study by speech therapists in Durham shows children having no problem identifying the colour blue, but saying “Barbie” when shown pink.

Followed by “Hitler”, “bitch”, “Aryan master race” and “I vill obey”.

Maria Dawes, a mother to two girls aged four and three, says: “My girls love pink – it’s their favourite colour, but equally they are happy in the garden wallowing in mud. Surely this is all just about balanced and sensible parenting?

“Exposure to all things pink does bother me a bit, but in the end, they will make their own decisions as they mature”…

Into strong gay men trapped in a girl’s body, and vice verca, as you know who was vont to say…

Posted: 8th, January 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink