
Anorak News | Nut Allegies Invented By Yuppies

Nut Allegies Invented By Yuppies

by | 9th, January 2009

JOEL Stein says children who die from nut allergies are faking it to make their wannabe parents look middle class and achieving:

Your kid doesn’t have an allergy to nuts. Your kid has a parent who needs to feel special. Your kid also spends recess running and screaming, “No! Stop! Don’t rub my head with peanut butter!”Yes, a tiny number of kids have severe peanut allergies that cause anaphylactic shock, and all their teachers should be warned, handed EpiPens and given a really expensive gift at Christmas. But unless you’re a character on “Heroes,” genes don’t mutate fast enough to have caused an 18% increase in childhood food allergies between 1997 and 2007. And genes certainly don’t cause 25% of parents to believe that their kids have food allergies, when 4% do. Yuppiedom does.

Anorak is all for debunking scare stories and showing up mums and dads who want little bi-polar Armani to be special and anything but thick and docile.

But maybe the nippers are swallowing something other than mum’s thwarted ambitions? And Stein should know that no-one with drive is called a Yuppie anymore – they are now known as Special Needs Parents.

Nut allergies — a Yuppie invention


Posted: 9th, January 2009 | In: Reviews Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink