
Anorak News | Romanian Quiz Show Host Erupts In Phone Frenzy

Romanian Quiz Show Host Erupts In Phone Frenzy

by | 13th, January 2009

ADELA Lupse is presenting a live phone quiz in Romania.

Does she have caller? No. What about now? No. Now? Not yet. Now? On it goes. And then Adela erupts (video):

“I want the phone to ring now. Now. Call me now!”

Adele screamed. Adele smashed the phone on the ground and then jumped up and down on it.
Says Ms Lupse:

“Maybe I was a bit over the top but I wanted to get people to call – there is a lot of pressure to get people to call in with the correct answer. It was a bad day.”

Romanian TV watchdog, the National Audiovisual Council of Romania, has the station £1,000 for “unjustified violence”.

It also ruled that the show be broadcast after 10pm when children are in bed and renamed “Abuse Bitch”.
For a negotiable fee, viewers can call Adela and be threatened with violence. They then enter a prize draw, the winner of which gets to go into the studio and get kicked in the crotch live on air…


I read the Daily Express and you’re all in f*****g Britain living on f***** handouts and pick pocketing Englishmen at the cashpoint while I slog by t*ts off working for ****.
****-***** Edmonds *****!

Posted: 13th, January 2009 | In: Strange But True 1 Comment | TrackBack | Permalink