
Anorak News | More On The Protocols Of Starbucks And Israel

More On The Protocols Of Starbucks And Israel

by | 14th, January 2009

THE Middle East Media Research Institute quotes Sheikh Yousef Al-Qaradhawi, of Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood, delivered on his al-Jazeera program on the Protocols Of Starbucks:

Here in Qatar, we have a branch of Marks and Spencer, which regularly dedicates its Saturday revenue to Israel. We have a Starbucks, which serves coffee. They used to hang a sign on the doors of their shops: “We benefit our most important partner, which is Israel, we help in the education of students in Israel, we help build up the Israeli defense arsenal,” and so on. People go and drink their expensive coffee. Instead of paying 2 riyals [55 cents] for a cup of coffee, they pay 20 riyals. This Starbucks is Zionist. Why do we not teach the nation to make do with its own products, when possible, even if they are of lesser quality? This is the only way the nation will rise.

All power to your greasy spoons. Forward with Latte! Jihadis for cheaper coffee!

Posted: 14th, January 2009 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink