
Anorak News | Obama Inauguration Viewer Survey Results

Obama Inauguration Viewer Survey Results

by | 21st, January 2009

The result of a survey tells us that the No 1 turn-off for viewers are political speeches.

Says one seasoned celebrity watcher:

People can stand Obama’s for 34.5 seconds – which is up by a full second and a half on Bush – but anything longer and they switch off.

A survey reveals that the following percantages would remain tuned in if the broadcaster cut away to shots of:

Jack Nicholson’s face (92%)
Bare breasts – female (91%)
Brad Pitt (85%)
Someone breakdancing (76%)
CCTV footage of the White House lawn (72%)
People yawning (54%)
Pole dancing (41%)
A dog cuddling a kitten (37%)
The Fonz (32%)
A man playing the comb and paper (29%)
Michelle Obama (18%)
QVC (14%)
Iraq (10%)
Jack Nicholson’s bare breasts (6%)
Switzerland (1.3%)

Update: Hugh Jackman will host his season’s Oscars, with cut-away shots of Obama.

Posted: 21st, January 2009 | In: Politicians Comment | TrackBack | Permalink