
Anorak News | Christian Bale Versus Bill O’Reilly Smack Down

Christian Bale Versus Bill O’Reilly Smack Down

by | 4th, February 2009

BATMAN actor Christian Bale is effing and blinding on the scene of Terminator Salvation when director of photography Shane Hurlbut strays into shot.

Bale unleashes a string of sarcasm and swearing as he calls a colleague, er, unprofessional. Show some f*****g respect you ***o.


Bill O’Reilly

Christian Bale:

Alec Baldwin:

David O. Russell – on the set of the comedy IHuckabees, director Russell and actor Lily Tomlin have an exchange of views:

Mika Brzezinski

Michael Richards

Avery Haines

On January 15, 2000, Haines flubbed a line while taping a segment for her employer, CTV Newsnet. After regaining her composure, she joked:

“I kind of like the little stuttering thing. It’s like equal opportunity, right? We’ve got a stuttering newscaster. We’ve got the black, we’ve got the Asian, we’ve got the woman. I could be a lesbian, folk-dancing, black woman stutterer. What’s that? In a wheelchair … with a gimping, rubber legs. Yeah, really. I’d have a successful career, let me tell you.”

And to end on a song:

Posted: 4th, February 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (4) | TrackBack | Permalink