Obama Balls: Tie Makers For Obama, Property Price Crash And Drama
BARACK Obama Balls: Obama changes property prices, dramas and ties
“Barack Obama’s inauguration as US president inspired Robertson housing to slash £29,000 off their Washington house style. The four-bedroom property at Ayr’s Park is now just £269,000” – New Homes, Sunday Mail
“Like President Barack Obama how we speak move and communicate determines our success in life. Elocution and public speaking by experienced drama coach and former BBC staff producer” – Metro
“At Barack Obama’s inauguration he was pictured wearing a bright red spotted tie upon a crisp white shirt. Since then Thomas Pink has noted a huge increase in the sale of red ties, up by 30 per cent in the last week… Thomas Pink has 35 different red ties to choose from this season” – PR
Posted: 23rd, February 2009 | In: Key Posts, Politicians Comments (3) | TrackBack | Permalink