
Anorak News | Man Buys Stolen Car On Craigslist

Man Buys Stolen Car On Craigslist

by | 8th, April 2009

WILLIAM P. Jones III has been arersted by Boynton Beach Police for allegedly selling a stolen car on Craigslist.

The victim saw what looked like his 1970 Chevy Chevelle listed on over the weekend. He then made arrangements with Jones to see the car and called police after verifying it was his.

Police came:

Police say Jones stole the car and auto parts from the victim’s vacant property in Lantana and then broke into a vacant Boynton Beach home to store the car and parts in its garage.

Jones is facing charges of grand theft auto, burglary and dealing in stolen property with additional charges pending.

Did he pay his advertising bill?

Posted: 8th, April 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink