
Anorak News | OK!: Patsy Kensit’s Marathon Wedding

OK!: Patsy Kensit’s Marathon Wedding

by | 29th, April 2009

patsy-kensit-jeremy-healyIn this week’s OK! actress Patsy Kensit reveals:


Hey, we can’t all be athletic, Patsy. You take you time. We can wait.

And while we wait there are photographs to take, and oak-smoked salmon on toast with crème fraiche and sun-blushed tomato on foccaia croute to stave off starvation.

“Oh God, I’m getting married in cream,” says Patsy to the ubiquitous Liz Hurley, whose marriage has now reached Stage 435b.

OK! marriage contract; Clause B; sub-section 3: All weddings shall feature or make mention of Liz Hurley. Ends. 

Patsy then espies groom Jeremy Haley. They “locked eyes and chocked back tears”.

In the “Reading and Writing Room”, there are hyacinths and anemones and roses sin white and pink.

Guests eat a starter of lobster and asparagus salad with truffle dressing, followed by filet steak and a read wine glaze.

Then there’s mint candles, which may or may not be edible, and plates are filled with passion fruit pavlova and passion fruit mousse.

Holby City’s executive producer Tony McHale then takes the mic and utters:

“May your lives be like the misty rain gently coming in and the flooding river.”

No-one knows whether to laugh or cry and it’s on with the Christopher Biggins arrives in time for the cutting of the four-tier chocolate Madeira cake to chase down the duck liver parfait with caramalised orange and cornichons with an olive tapenade..

Then Jeremy says :

“Part of the reason Patsy has been married three times before is because she wants to give everything to a relationship…”

And everyone laughs hard and dances…

Posted: 29th, April 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink