
Anorak News | Heidelberg Zoo’s Whistling Orangutan Releases CD

Heidelberg Zoo’s Whistling Orangutan Releases CD

by | 9th, May 2009

ujian-susan-boyleIN Germany, Heidelberg Zoo’s Whistling Orangutan has releases a CD of his music.

Ich Bin Ujian” (“I Am Ujian”), features Ujian, a 14-year-old orangutan, giving full throat to a jaunty pop-rock number with reggae elements.

Lyrics are offered up by Tobias Kämmerer, not least the Jungle Book-inspired lines:

“I am Ujian the orangutan, I am so cool, man, I’m a star.”

Had only Ujian whistled Nessun Dorma or something from Les Miserables he could have been Germany very own Hairy Angel, a Susan Boyle with a ginger rinse.

By way of a sympathetic back story, Ujian tells us that he taught himself to whistle last summer when a vegetable delivery man was late coming to his cage. It was trauma that proved his making.

Ujian was bullied at school for his “short” arms and hopes that his whistling can inspire others.

Over in Berlin, Knut the polar bear remains open to offers…

Posted: 9th, May 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment | TrackBack | Permalink