Big Brother Eviction: Freddie Fisher And Sophia Brown
IS it Freddie George-Fisher or Freddie George Fisher? That hyphen may well mean a lot to Freddie, nicknamed Halfwit by Big Brother, and Farty Meldman by Anorak on account of his resemblance to the late great Marty Feldman.
The Fowler brothers, first editors of the Concise Oxford Dictionary, wrote in their preface to the 1911 edition:
We have also to admit that after trying hard at an early stage to arrive at some principle that should teach us when to separate, when to hyphen, and when to unite the parts of compound words, we had to abandon the attempt as hopeless, and welter in the prevailing chaos.
As we say, much depends on that hyphen.
Is Freddie’s a double-barrelled name, something that marks him out as posh, but not as posh as The Honourable Sir Reginald Aylmer Ranfurly Plunkett-Ernle-Erle-Drax or, er, Sacha Baron Cohen.
The Star goes with the double-barrel and says:
“Posh toff Freddie George-Fisher and mouthy Sophia Brown will go head to head in the first Big Brother eviction. The two wannabes were put in the firing line after they notched up six votes each as the new batch of housemates took seven hours to nominate yesterday.”
Sophia is then poshed up, and dubbed the “pocket-rocket”. If Sophia Pocket-Rocket is to stride out in the celebrity world she may secure a future in former Spice Girl Mel B’s handbag.
So who goes? For a free bet go here and follow the link…
Posted: 10th, June 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink