
Anorak News | Introducing Perez Hilton’s Real Blogger Barbara Lavandeira

Introducing Perez Hilton’s Real Blogger Barbara Lavandeira

by | 20th, July 2009

barbara-lavandeiraPEREZ Hilton can’t be bothered to write his own eponymous blog. Guannabee spots that the actual blogger is Hilton’s sister, Barbara Lavandeira:

So we’ve been doing a little internet sleuthing and we think we’ve stumbled upon a picture of Perez Hilton’s sister, Barbara Lavandeira. As we now know thanks to various court documents (but have suspected for some time now), Barbara has been cobbling together the majority of the content on Perez’s site for some time now. 

Content that is so late that the sark has alrady bitten his legs off before the post has gone live…

Posted: 20th, July 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink