
Anorak News | Katie Price Bans Harvey And ‘Ruins’ Peter Andre

Katie Price Bans Harvey And ‘Ruins’ Peter Andre

by | 16th, August 2009

3383477KATIE Price and Peter Andre Divorce – Katie bans Harvey, bans sex, vows to ruin Peter Andre and wishes him the best of luck…


That’s right, Harvey fans, no Harvey in Peter Andre: Moving On. Harvey has moved on.

Thankfully, Harvey – he was always the star – will be in Katie’s own fly-in-the-Touch-Eclat show What Katie Did Next.

Says the show’s narrator:

“Guests are arriving including Harvey. But his mother has refused permission for him to be filmed.”

In Pete’s show expert lots of pictures of sentimental Pete cuddling his children and being cuddled, in private moments. Expect lots of sentiment and forlorn looks and loadsa tears – as the Mirror says:

Peter Andre’s tears: Star breaks down 10 times on TV special charting end of marriage to Katie Price.

But no Harvey.

Over in the News of The World, readers learn:

I’m going to ruin Pete, vows Katie Price

Ruin him for other women? Says Jordan:

And she told a close friend: “I don’t care if I ruin him. I’ve told my lawyers that. I want to bring him down. I’ve lived a lie with him for so long.”

Can pop acorn Pete be brought down? Does she mean to bring him down to her level – the media narrative positions Pete The Good against Katie The Bad? Says Katie:

“I’m being battered but I’m not going to lay back and take it anymore. I’ve had enough. I’m playing him at his own game now. I’ve got the best lawyers in the business and he’s going to regret messing with me.

“He’s used me to make money. He’s used me to promote his single. Enough! They’re my kids, it’s my life, he can f*** off if he wants anything from me.”


Over in the Daily Star, more revelations about randy Katie and how she’s going to destroy Pete:

JORDAN has slapped a sex and booze ban on new man Alex Reid – and revealed she still loves Peter Andre.

She tried to end her bitter feud with Peter by sending him a “good luck” message as he bids for chart glory tonight.

That’ll ruin him.

Posted: 16th, August 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comments (6) | TrackBack | Permalink