Brad Pitt And Angelina Jolie Join The Green Jet Set
BRAD Pitt and Angelina Jolie travel by private jet again. As Anorak’s Man in the Hollywood Swamp notes:
A private seat that consumed something in the neighbourhood of 400 gallons of fuel for each person onboard. As opposed to the 125 gallons per passenger that a loaded Boeing 777 would have consumed.
This is, of course the same Brad Pitt who supports Global Green, whose mission is:
“…to reduce greenhouse gas emmissions.”
And what of Angelina Jolie, billed on Greenist website The Renewable Planet as:
…the first UNCA Citizen of the World by the U.N. Correspondents Association and the Global Humanitarian Action Award from the U.N. Association of the USA and the Business Council for the United Nations?
Well, the UN-she is also outside the rules because:
She’s not directly an advocate for energy conservation per se, and she’s been seen driving SUVs when in the U.S., but her focus on helping others more than makes up for it.
Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie – they come to worship you. Look up to the skies!
They are not like you:
Cate Blanchett Is Gaia’s Roving Ambassador
Trudi Styler’s “Occasional Use Of Private Aviation Fuel”
Posted: 17th, August 2009 | In: Celebrities Comments (16) | TrackBack | Permalink