
Anorak News | Lily Allen Blasts File Sharing And Radiohead

Lily Allen Blasts File Sharing And Radiohead

by | 16th, September 2009

7786554LILY Allen writes for The Times, delivering “my message for big stars who back piracy – ‘It’s all right for established musicians, but file sharing will strangle new talent’.”

Music piracy is having a dangerous effect on British music, but some rich and successful artists such as Nick Mason, of Pink Floyd, and Ed O’Brien, of Radiohead, don’t think so. Last week, they told The Times that file sharing is fine. It probably is for them. They do sell-out arena tours and have the biggest Ferrari collections in the world. For new talent, though, file sharing is a disaster — it makes it harder and harder for new acts to emerge.

Did you get that? Lily Allen says that in broadcasting music to the masses in a free and easy way to music lovers new acts will find it harder to reach an audience. Do you want to hear more of Lily’s brain at work?

You don’t start out in music with Ferraris. You start with a huge debt from your record company, which you spend years working to repay.

And there was us thinking you start out with a dream. Unless you’re a SADO (Son And Daughter of Stars), in which case it might be different.

On Rolling Stone, we learn that Lily’s godparent was Joe Strummer, former lead singer of The Clash. And this:

Allen began working on music in earnest in 2002 and with her father’s help she was signed to Warner Bros. for a short time but released no music. In 2005 she began posting demos onto her MySpace page which was getting thousands of hits and eventually led to her signing with Regal Records.

Lily’s dad has acted for the BBC. The Times adds:

Although she insists that her mother was not rolling in money, she went to Bedales public school and grew up surrounded by wealth and privilege.

Back to how to get your big break in music…

Posted: 16th, September 2009 | In: Celebrities, Key Posts Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink