
Anorak News | Starsuckers: The Guardian Gloats

Starsuckers: The Guardian Gloats

by | 15th, October 2009

money-tescoTHE Starsuckers film that exposes the tabloid press is a good watch. It’s also front-page news in the Guardian. But as Tim Worstall points out, no newspaper is immune to a bad story:

Of course, at The Guardian they manage to do this entirely on their own, without any outside help. Remember that 6 month investigation into Tesco’s tax avoidance? You know, how they were avoiding £1 billion in corporation tax? And it actually turned out that they were using exactly the same techniques as Guardian Media Group to reduce a (much, much smaller) stamp duty bill?

At least the Guardian were investigating. It also show that the Guardian’s board do not kill their writers’ stories. Not all news organs bother to investigate at all. Now read:

Mainstream Media Exposes Its Bigotry With Rush Limbaugh Racism Fakes


Posted: 15th, October 2009 | In: Reviews Comment | TrackBack | Permalink