
Anorak News | X Factor: John & Edward Fans Tricked By Rachel Adedeji Vote Fix

X Factor: John & Edward Fans Tricked By Rachel Adedeji Vote Fix

by | 30th, October 2009

rachel-adedejiMORE X Factor facts now as the tabloid Daily Star gives the wannabe tabloid Daily Telegraph advice on how to spot the difference between John & Edward Grimes and Rachel Adedeji.

Daily Telegraph: “X Factor twins John and Edward Grimes had the highest number of public votes at the weekend and could even win the show, giving Simon Cowell his “worst nightmare”.

Daily Star (front page): “X Factor Winners Revealed – And it’s not who you think”

So the winner isn’t Cheryl Cole, who gets to promote herself and her song on the telly? Is it Simon Cowell, who gets to showcase his factory-pressed acts?

TERRIBLE twins John and Edward are NOT the viewers’ favourites to win… In fact, on Sunday the gruesome twosome only escaped the bottom two by a tiny 0.5% of the votes. And the 18-year-olds have never been out of the bottom four since the X Factor public votes began.

Last week’s vote winner was actually talented teenager Rachel Adedeji, senior show sources confirmed.

John & Edward are pictured here for future reference. And do look out for stories headlined “X Facror Scandal: John & Edward Voters Vote Rachel By Mistake” and “FIX FACTOR”.

Not only do John & Edward look like Rachle, they also look like them.

Posted: 30th, October 2009 | In: Celebrities Comment | TrackBack | Permalink