
Anorak News | Weston Bans Fat Mums From Giving Birth In Town

Weston Bans Fat Mums From Giving Birth In Town

by | 12th, November 2009

westonFAT mums-to-be are barred from having babies at Weston General Hospital. The hospital will only safely admit women with a body mass index (BMI) of 34 and under.

As you’re lying there screaming “GET IT OUT” a dietician will approach and test you for fatness. If you pass you can have the baby. If not, you will have to a) ingest it; b) leave, perhaps for St Michael’s Hospital in Bristol, 20 miles away. Run. It’ll do you good.

A BMI of 34 is equivalent to a 15-stone 5ft 6ins tall woman. A spokesman says: ”

Our foremost concern is for the safety of mothers who deliver here and their babies.”

Which is why you’re banning them on health and safety grounds?

“Mothers with a high BMI are at increased risk in labour of bleeding, needing an instrumental delivery or complications, such as the baby’s shoulder becoming trapped behind the pubic bone.”

It’s for your own good, ladies. Oh, and if you can stay in Bristol and be fat there, you can help Weston become the kind of place it aim to be.

And take your fat kids with you.

Posted: 12th, November 2009 | In: Strange But True Comment (1) | TrackBack | Permalink